


1. YouTube:YouTube 是查找此类视频的最佳平台。您可以搜索关键字如 "English Language Games for Kids"、"DIY Web Games" 或 "English Learning Web Games Tutorial" 等,来找到教育内容和DIY教程。

2. 教育频道:许多教育频道专注于儿童学习,特别是英语学习。这些频道可能提供手工制作网页游戏的方法和教程。例如,"Math Antics"、"Tubeguru"、"DIY Music" 等频道可能包含相关内容。

3. 视频教程网站:像Skillshare、Udemy 或 Teachable 这样的网站上,你可能会找到专门教授如何创建英语学习游戏的课程。虽然这些平台上的课程可能需要付费,但它们通常包含详细的步骤和资源。

4. 社交媒体和论坛:Instagram、Pinterest 等平台上的教育工作者和家庭可能分享他们制作的游戏或找到的资源。在相关教育或家庭群组的论坛上,您也可能找到一些推荐。

5. 教育网站与博客:许多教育网站和博客都有视频教程,指导您如何使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript等web开发技术来创建英语学习游戏。例如,Tech With Tim、FreeCodeCamp 或 Mozilla Developer Network 等网站可能有相关教程。




参照欧盟教学大纲编写的原版教材《大森林幼儿英语Big Jungle Fun》专为零基础儿童而设计,共分3级,每级9个单元。从学校、家庭、脸、玩具、衣物、交通工具、食物、动物及自然界9个主题来展开简单的学习;学生们通过大量的歌曲、故事、游戏及手工活动,在轻松愉快的氛围中,培养对英文的初步兴趣;在不断反复的听歌曲中,自然而然的培养纯正的英文发音;除学习一些相关词汇外,学生们还将学到大小、数字1,2,3及圆形的概念,为以后学习数学打下初步的基础。


·练习作业 Practise task: 叫个小朋友出来,对他说:Stick a yellow sticker on Tommy awake.

· 展示并讨论作业纸说:Look! Tommy's sleeping! Wake up, Tommy! Look! Tommy's awake! 叫一个小朋友来,模拟动作网页游戏左下角有错误提示,然后说:Point to Tommy sleeping. Point to Tommy awake. 继续叫其他小朋友来。

·练习作业,叫一个小朋友出来,对他说:Pick up the yellow crayon and colour Tommy.

问:What is Tommy doing? Yes, he's sleeping. Shall we clap / tickle him?

分配Tommy、Polly 和Tina 以及teacher.的角色,讲这个故事或者在播放故事音频,帮助小朋友们表演他们的角色

Look, here's Tommy. He's sleeping. And here are Polly andTina. They aren't sleeping. They're tickling Tommy. They're saying 'Wake up Tommy!'鼓励小朋友们一起做模仿动作。

· 聆听音频:把 Tommy 放到地板上,好像它还在睡,说:Tommy's sleeping! Let's wake him up! 小朋友们听音频.。当小朋友们聆听歌谣时,用手咯吱Tommy,最后,Tommy立刻跳起来醒来

·检查理解,用手指指,模仿动作,问问题:What is the teacher doing? What is Tommy doing? What does the teacher do? What doTina and Polly say?

·介绍故事,展示故事卡片1 问:Who can you see? Tommy andTina and Polly and the teacher. Look at the teacher, she's reading a story book.

·创建兴趣:把 Tommy、Tina 和 Polly 围个圈,说:Listen! The All together' song! Where's Tommy? Oh! He's at school!

让 Tommy、Polly和Tina 坐在你身边,把闪卡放在地毯上,叫小朋友们出来并对他说:Give the (book) to (Tommy), please. 递给Tommy后,Tommy 说:Thank you. ,然后Tommy 拥抱小朋友

• 和 Tommy,Tina and Polly一起玩: Tommy,Tina, Polly: teacher, floor, book, crayon

Tommy 对 Polly说:Where's my picture of the book? Polly 挠挠头说:I don't know. 带着 Tommy 和 Polly 在教室四周寻找闪卡,说:Is the book here on the floor? Oh, here it is! On the table!



When your baby shark is all dry, you can play with it by tipping his tail to prop him up. (干透后就可玩了, 你可以按压鲨鱼宝宝的尾巴让他来回摆动。)

Dip the end of the cotton swab into the white paint. (用棉棒蘸一点颜料。)

A little bit of white paint (挤一点白色颜料)Use the cotton swab to make baby shark’s teeth. (用棉棒画出鲨鱼宝宝的牙齿。)

Draw some marks on the side of baby shark’s body. Those are his gills. (画上鱼鳃。)

Put one right there, push down a little bit so it sticks on. (粘好,按压一下。)

Put a little bit of glue on the back of a googly eye. (把胶水抹在眼睛背面。)

Baby shark’s fin for the top of his body. Stick it right in the middle and Give it a little squeeze so it stays on. (背鳍要粘在身体的中间,按压一下让它固定好。)

Get the glue stick, put a little bit of glue on the end of the tail and stick it right underneath his body. (拿出胶棒,把胶水涂到尾巴的根部,从下面粘贴到身体的后部。)

Make sure to leave some room where we’re going to glue it on. (记得留出一定的长度方便稍后抹胶水。)

Use the small blue sheet of paper and the black pencil crayon to make a big baby shark tail and a baby shark’s fin for the top of his body and baby shark’s little arm. (用黑色彩铅笔在小卡纸上画出鲨鱼尾,鲨鱼背鳍和鲨鱼前鳍)

Hold on to the pin and dab dab dab to paint baby shark’s belly. (捏住晾衣夹子,用海绵棒在纸上戳出小鲨鱼的肚子。)

Put some blue paint out and use the sponge to dab in the paint. (挤出一点蓝色颜料,用海绵棒蘸一些颜料。)

Put the clothes pin on the circle and that’s going to help keep it closed. (用衣服夹子夹住,这样纸就会保持对折的状态,不会打开,方便下一步操作。)

Fold it in half. Imagine there’s a line right down the middle, and fold on that line. (从圆的中间对折。想象以下圆的中间有一条线希望盒子游戏就那几个,沿着这条线对折。)

Now we have a circle for the baby shark body. (用这个大圆做鲨鱼宝宝的身体。)

Use the scissors to cut along the line to cut out a circle.(用剪刀沿着画好的线剪出一个圆形。)

Take the black pencil crayon and trace it all the way around the circle.

Trace the bowl to make a circle on the big blue sheet of paper. (沿着碗在纸上画出一个圆圈。)

One big blue sheet of paper, one small blue sheet of paper(两张蓝色卡纸,一大一小)

Today, we're going to make a baby shark craft together.(今天,我们一起做一个鲨鱼宝宝手工。)


专题: 三国记单机游戏   单机小游戏三国   三国五单机游戏